Pro Outsourcing

Outsourcing services is a growing global trend that enables companies to remain competitive. It is the process of relocating office jobs to another company with lower labour costs but equal expertise. This allows your managers to focus on the core of your business whilst maintaining maximum daily operations.

Hukoomi Services

Hukoomi, Qatar’s official e-Government portal now includes over 1,400 services and over 650 can be completed online by businesses, citizens and residents, visitors, businesses, and civil servants.


Accounting software can range from simple, single-entry programs used for individual record-keeping to more sophisticated, double-entry systems that can process accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and inventory, among other functions.We have highly qualified, technically proficient, skilled and experienced team to handle the projects.They provide you with the flexibility to use the software as per your requirements.

Moi Services

Ministry of Interior, Qatar is making it easier for residents to check on the status of their pending documents, such as visas and residence permits, with the overhaul of its e-services portal.

MOI added some dozen new services to its revamped site, bringing together departments including traffic, passports, immigration, borders and criminal evidence and intelligence.

Share transfer ressolution

There are a number of circumstances in which shares in a company may be transferred, eg upon a sale of the shares, through the transmission of the shares by operation of law (eg, upon the death or bankruptcy of a shareholder), by gift or upon the enforcement of a charge. It is most common for shares to be transferred upon a sale.The focus of this Overview is the transfer of the legal title in certificated shares upon a sale that is not a share buyback. The transfer of shares in a listed company, an AIM company or a company with securities that are traded on any exchange are outside its scope.

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